Value of Flipper Shears for Dog Grooming Needs

If you're someone who utilizes dog grooming shears regularly, whether for professional purposes or just for your own furry friends, there are a few different shear types that may be important for your toolkit. One that should not be ignored here, especially for anyone who has had comfort or similar issues with dog grooming shears in the past, is what are known as flipper shears.

At Scissor Mall, we're happy to offer the widest range available of hair shears, dog grooming shears and more, including flipper shears like the Dirty Dog Flipper and several others. What exactly are flipper shears, and what are some of the major areas of value they provide to regular dog groomers? Here's a simple rundown.

What Are Flipper Shears?

If you're unsure what flipper shears are as you hear the term, look to the name itself for some clues. That is, the key quality of flipper shears that makes them so valuable is the fact that they're reversible -- they can simply be "flipped" to the other side in order to give you a fresh edge and make them last even longer. Unlike standard dog grooming shears, which feature only one blade that must be sharpened, flipper shears have two blades on each side, which provides you with greater longevity both in terms of sharpness and utility for different tasks.

As you've likely guessed, these shears feature versatile handle options that allow them to be utilized for either left-handed or right-handed people. But more than that, these shears are also created from some of the most durable and high quality materials available, ensuring they will continue to function well even with regular use over long periods of time.

Why should many dog groomers have at least one pair of flipper shears in their kit? Our next several sections will answer this question.

Simple Comfort

As any longtime dog groomer can tell you, some parts of the process can be rather uncomfortable, especially if you have to force yourself into positions that are not ergonomically comfortable or do not feel in line with the way your hands work. This discomfort can lead to frustration and even physical injury over time, making it critical to try and find ways around this issue before it starts affecting your productivity.

With flipper shears, this issue is simply no longer a problem. In other words, these shears allow you to effectively "flip" the blades whenever you feel like it in order to avoid having to strain the muscles for a particular cut. This can be especially useful if you're someone who has smaller hands or perhaps joint issues that make it harder to hold a straight dog grooming shear while performing certain types of cuts.

Variety of Uses

Meanwhile, the fact that flipper shears are reversible can make them very useful for a variety of different purposes within your regular dog grooming routine.

One simple example is the ability to switch between right-handed and left-handed grip options, potentially allowing you to hold various types of fur in different positions without having to make many adjustments. But this is just one example -- there are any number of specific tasks that flipper shears can help you accomplish, perhaps most importantly by offering full and detailed control of your dog's haircut. You may also find that these shears provide you with much greater precision over the different cuts you need to make, especially those that require more attention or detail.

Preventing Injuries

It's not just promotion of comfort that's the goal with flipper shears -- it's also prevention of injury and the potential for long-term damage. With other types of dog grooming shears, even those labeled as "ergonomic," you may find yourself accidentally digging into your own fingers or allowing cuts to occur on your arm due to the way that most grips are designed.

Flipper shears, however, eliminate this problem from the equation entirely. Instead of a traditional "scissor" grip that can lead to uncomfortable and potentially hazardous situations over time, these shears feature an innovative design that prevents such issues from arising in the first place. In particular, their ergonomic addition of a handle that can be flipped to fit your needs perfectly allows you to have full control of the shears and make sure that they are never used in ways that could lead to injury.

What to Look for in Flipper Shears

If you've decided that adding flipper shears to your dog grooming toolkit is a good idea, then you'll certainly want to know what to look for when making your purchase. For starters, it's essential that you opt for high quality materials, as these will often be the determining factor in how well the shears function and how long they last. Similarly, you'll want to make sure that they have a comfortable grip so you can avoid any issues with hand fatigue, which can affect your overall dog grooming skills.

In the end, it's clear to see why so many professional dog groomers and other pet owners alike are turning to flipper shears as their first choice in this particular category. If you're someone who needs to make dog grooming a regular part of your life, then it's certainly worth finding ways to make the process more comfortable and to minimize the risk of injury. For many people, flipper shears are the ideal option in this regard, offering an innovative design along with high-quality materials that can keep you safe and comfortable throughout your grooming needs.

For more on this, or to learn about any of our dog grooming shears, hair shears or other related products, speak to our team at Scissor Mall today.