Why is it important to clean my shears?

Shears should be CLEANED at the end of each day, before they are put in their case for the night. And if you are cutting permed hair, colored hair or hair impregnated with chlorine, you should wipe down the blades with alcohol and dry them after the cut. These chemicals can dull your blades. Hair and dirt left on scissors can cause rusting and pitting.

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How should I clean my shears?

Clean your shears with a damp towel or wash cloth - be careful not to cut yourself!

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How often should I oil my shears?

At least once a week, you should OIL your scissors at the pivot point. Clipper blade oil is fine for this.

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Why should I have a case for my scissors?

It is best to store your scissors in a CASE whenever they are not in your hands. This will prevent customers and other stylists from “borrowing” your scissors to do things like cut out recipes and cut off the tops of perm bottles.

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On average, how often should my shears be sharpened or serviced?

We recommend having any shears that you use on a regular basis serviced at least once a year. They need to be cleaned, set and balanced, even if they are still sharp within that year period. If you purchased poorer quality shears, they may need to be sharpened as many as 4 times a year. Remember, the more times they need to be sharpened, the shorter their life will be and the more money you will have to pay out for them.

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Why is it important to choose a good sharpener to sharpen my shears?

If you purchased medium to good quality shears, and if you are careful with them and keep them clean, they should last for many years. But if the sharpener you use does not sharpen them correctly and takes off too much metal, they will not cut well and you will lose years of life on the shear.

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How long should my shears last?

If you choose your shears carefully and care for them properly, they will serve you in comfort for many years. Price is not always the determining factor. There are many companies now that sell scissors at high prices, but are not made with the highest standards or the best quality steels. These shears will need to be sharpened 3 to 4 times a year, and may only last for 4 to 5 years, instead of 12 to 15 years as good quality shears should. 

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