Basic Daily Care Tips for Hair Shears

Certain items require regular care and attention to perform at their best regularly, and hair shears are a great example here. A few very simple approaches help stylists keep their shears in great shape and available to perform all required cuts, including some basic daily themes that should be maintained. 

At Scissor Mall, we're proud to not only offer a wide range of hair shears and dog grooming shears, but also to offer care accessories like shear cases, tools and more. With this concept in mind, let's look at some daily hair shear care approaches that stylists can do well to stick with.

Cleaning and Washing Between Uses

One of the single most important steps that any stylist can take to care for their shears is to clean them thoroughly between each use. This removes dirt, oils, hair and other residues from the blade surfaces and helps keep these sharp and in great shape. A light cleaning solution and a soft cloth or brush should do the trick here for most cases.

Not only will this help protect the blades, but it will also ensure that they perform optimally when used. Dirty blades also become dull much faster than clean ones, so this is a great step to take!

Oil and Lubrication

Another important step in shear care involves adding regular oiling or lubrication as needed. Oil helps keep the blades moving smoothly and prevents them from becoming overly stiff or squeaky. This also helps reduce blade wear that can lead to premature dullness.

As you're considering which oil type to use, look for a light oil that doesn't leave behind any residue after it's been used. This will help protect the blades and make them last longer.


We alluded to sharpness already, and it's a key part of hair shear care. As blades become dull, their performance quickly drops off, making them much less effective for the cuts that are needed. To prevent this from happening, it's best to get into the habit of sharpening your shears regularly.

This can be done either with a professional sharpener or by using an electric sharpener that can be found at most beauty supply stores. While it takes a bit of time to get used to the process, it will pay dividends when you notice how much better your shears perform.

Storage Concepts

Every stylist needs to know how to store their shears correctly. Investing in a good-quality shear case is an important step here, as it helps protect the blades from bumping up against other items and keeps them safe when not in use.

For added protection, look for cases that also come with foam padding around the inside edges. This will help keep the blades from chipping when they're taken out or put away.

Don't Leave Them Laying Around

This may sound obvious to some, but you'd be surprised at how often shears are left lying around in a salon. Not only does this make them vulnerable to theft, but it also greatly reduces their lifespan by making them prone to accidental damage.

Always try to store your shears in the cases provided and out of the way when not in use. This helps keep them in better shape and ensures they're always ready when you need them.

Preventing Drop or Damage Risks

Down related lines, it's equally important to take steps to protect your shears from any potential damage risks. This includes being careful when handling them, as well as taking the time to inspect them before each use for any signs of wear or tear.

If possible, keep a set of spare shears handy in case any repairs are needed and always be aware of the danger of dropping them. Doing this, combined with all the other steps mentioned above, will help you keep your shears in top shape for many years to come!

As you can see, hair shear care is something that requires time and effort. But by taking the steps outlined above, you'll be well on your way to having a set of shears that perform optimally day after day. With just a bit of regular maintenance and attention, you can ensure that your shears are always up for the job!

At Scissor Mall, we understand the importance of high-quality shears and how to properly care for them. That's why our selection includes some of the best shear options available, all made with superior materials that are designed to last. We also offer a variety of helpful resources to make caring for your shears a breeze! Check out our website today to start shopping, or contact us for more information. We look forward to helping you find the perfect shears for your salon and keep them in great condition!